Part 17: Noble Goals.
Update 15: Noble Goals.

Continuing on where we left off last time, our next room is a small platforming segment leading toward this Golem, so we can steal it and smash the crates blocking our way.

Theres also a slime chest tucked away just south of the Golems position, so dont miss it!

I think this might be the first time weve gotten an iron shield in a letter Sliborgs a pretty cool slime, given that his entire motivation is

Some punching later

We arrive at the other side of the room and find an entirely extraneous healing pad. Its unnecessary because of the next room being

Yep, the last of the Plob Enforcers. And one with a rather odd name, even by this games standards. Although the Kitty Shield is certainly a thing in this series

The Kaboomamite is the last item that the Imps of the necropolis can drop, and now were going to get a little demonstration of how it works. Lets see how to handle high explosives.

If this bundle of boomsticks collides with something in midair, it will take out any ammo in that airspace for a few seconds. Its a good way to deal with a lot of incoming ammo at once, but improper positioning might mean that you cant really fire anything until its done.

Aside from the explosives, Hollow Kitty has a host of other nice items like Meteorites and Special Medicine, as well as some Hell Scythes for bypassing the Schleimans shots.

Just stay on your toes, and youll be fine. Oh, and heres a shot of how Kaboomamite works if it actually connects with a tank; it does a series of 10-25 damage blasts! I should probably also mention that when youre carrying it, its fuse is burning down So get it to the cannons on the double!

Hey, I did that item-catching thing.

Oooh, some Kaboomamite to call our own. Nifty!

Wait, the third teleporters here already? Its only been two rooms since the last one!

Guess what that means, folks.

...Oh, hi there.

Hmm. This could go poorly.

What ensues can only rightly be described as a clusterfuck.

Look at this chaos. Revel in it.

The door opens once all of the Killing Machines have been defeated, but you want to know the fun part? These guys respawn. Farming them is super easy with the teleporter right below us.

Looks like the decors changing up. Combined with the platypunk door, its pretty clear were almost at the end here.

And of course, we cant go fight the final boss without one more clash against Slival.

Rockets always ready to take on the slime with the 10St helmet.

Time to take this outside.

Alright, this is it! Time to show Slival the strength of our conviction!

The Schwarzman is as well-stocked as ever and fires unusually quickly for only being staffed by one slime, so its time to take the fight to Slival once again.

Because in the short time it takes to break in and distract him, about a third of the Schleimans health just gets ripped right off. Also pictured: Changing some orders around. Hoolys help isnt needed over this side, so he can chip away at the Schwarzman for now. And since Rocket wont be needing ammo, Bo can just hang around.

Damn, Slival can do a number on you if youre not careful. And heres Hooly doing his superslime thing.

...Huh. Did Bo just throw something at Slival? I thought she didnt attack.

...This gives me an idea.

Go for the eyes, Bo! Go for the eyes!

And so thats how Bo made Rocket the proudest big brother in all of Slimenia.

On the way to the engine room after giving Slival his brother-and-sister beating, this piece of ammo appears that I actually dont recognise which means it must be the dangerous and deadly Kafrizzle! This thing does a nice 90 damage and rains down fireballs on the enemys cannon room, preventing them from firing back for a while.

After that long slugfest, Slival coughs up our very first Orichalslime! This is the last thing Killing Machines can drop, and theyre used in making some of the best alchemy recipes.


You got it, Slival. Thanks for the key.


So this is it. On the other side of this door is a healing pad and the point of no return. We have a few loose ends to tie up before we take on Don Clawleone, though. First of all, our latest letter.

While some of the other top-tier ammo that requires Orichalcum or an Orichalslime can be farmed from tank re-fights, I think you might need this recipe to get any of these shields at all! So save your orichalcums for this one if you can.

Next up is farming up the new monsters, during which I discover that the Jinksters Frizz can allow a Slime Knight to use Flame Slash and get some extra range.

Alright, lets check up on the nine slimes we saved. Thats 99/100, with Princess Gluttonella being the only one whos still slimenapped.

Okay, the

Well, that wasnt really worth the hassle. Did I mention the POW tablets take crazy amounts of good items to make? The Power tablet is the easiest at nine oaken clubs and nine bastard swords, and this one wants three pompoms and three orichalslimes.

Sure thing, pal! I have a ton of these thanks to all those Restless Armours.

Truly, Rocket has helped with the noblest of causes.

Sure, lets add it to the gallery.

Once again Rocket has been ripped off. Still, at least were still funding the arts.

Aw, poor Roboglop. Thats our nine slimes, so theres just the matter of our monsters to attend to.

...Okay, so they dont have the most personality in the world. Lets just go to the museum and wrap things up.

With its incredible bulk and mighty punch, this monsters the pick of the bunch! But whats inside?
The Golems only good for going out invading on your own, since nobody else will bother to use it. If you want to let your other two crew members man the cannons while you bust up the enemy, this might just be the thing for you.

Dangerous droids with a powerful beam that fries anything that happens to be around.
With high HP, high speed and a sweeping laser that ensures widespread destruction, the Killing Machine is fully capable of performing either of its roles well. You really cant go wrong with this one.

That big shield gives attacks from the front a hollow ring, but a strike from the back is just the thing!
The Restless Armour is a little bit clunky and slow, though his shield helps him serve as an effective bodyguard and distraction. Not the best of the best, but a solid choice.

And with all that taken care of, I believe its time we end this Next time, we take down the Don.